This time I post about video screen capture, or can be called alsoby recording the activity on the desktop. applications that I mean here is an application on linux operating system, why? because the application for free and quality so it is not inferior to paid applications on other operating systems.
DesktopRecorder is an application to record the activity on the desktop or a video screen capture in Linux operating system. The application is extremely easy to use because this application has a view that makes user easy to understand in using it. Thisapplication has also been supported by a variety of videoformats. not only activity on the desktop that can only record butalso our voice as we coud also rekam.Jadi user to video tutorialsmakers or those who want to make a percentage of this application is suitable for use.
to download this desktop recorder you can follow the instructions below:
1. open terminal
2. type "sudo apt-get install desktoprecorder"
after the installation process is complete then this application you can use directly...